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bilingual interventionistsAddiction can strike anyone, regardless of their age, race, or the language they speak. In some cases, convincing your loved one to seek addiction treatment is a challenge you cannot undertake alone. However, if your loved one does not speak English, staging an intervention has an extra layer of challenge. Fortunately, with the help of bilingual intervention services, you can circumvent this challenge. To learn more about staging a bilingual intervention, please reach out to our expert interventionists today by calling Southworth Associates at (866) 460-9014

What Does a Bilingual Intervention Include?

An intervention is an educational discussion between a person who is battling an addiction or mental health condition and their loved ones. The ultimate goal of this discussion is to help the person who is battling an addiction to admit that there is a problem. Then, they can work on getting that person the treatment they need. Any intervention can involve friends and family members, as well as co-workers. However, a professional bilingual intervention will also include an interventionist and a translator. Doing so ensures that your loved one will hear the voice of each person involved. 

Unfortunately, organizing a bilingual intervention may not be as easy as it sounds. As such, many people turn to professional intervention services for assistance. Our professional interventionists help to plan and stage the intervention. We will help you, and the other people involved understand your loved one’s addiction. We’ll also help you learn how to create healthy boundaries, so you do not enable your loved one’s addiction in the future. In short, we strive to ensure that you understand the process from the beginning to the end. 

How Do I Know If My Loved One Needs an Intervention?

In most cases, people who are battling addiction or mental health conditions do not realize that there is a problem. Alternatively, they may realize that there is a problem. However, they may be reluctant to attend treatment because of the stigma surrounding the condition or fear of painful withdrawal symptoms. In such cases, it’s critical for their loved ones to keep an eye out for specific behaviors that indicate that their drug or alcohol use has gotten out of control. Symptoms of addiction may include:

  • Acting abnormally angry or defensive
  • Engaging in risky behavior, such as driving under the influence or getting in fights
  • Continuously borrowing money to support their drug and alcohol use
  • Having problems completing responsibilities at home, work, and school
  • Emotionally withdrawing from friends and family members

If you recognize the signs of addiction in your loved one, it may be time to start planning your bilingual intervention. With the help of an interventionist, this process can be as comfortable and smooth as possible. 

There are several things that you need to remember when you’re staging a bilingual intervention. It would be best if you did not try to hold the intervention before you understand your loved one’s condition. Doing so may deter your loved one from seeking treatment. In addition, remember that this is not a place for you to vent your anger or complain about how your loved one has hurt you in their addiction. Instead, take this time to help your loved one understand that there are challenges ahead, but you are there for them. 

Contact Southworth Associates

No matter what language you and your loved one speak, finding addiction and mental health treatment is critical. As a result, we offer a range of services to help your loved one maintain their long-term sobriety, including:

A bilingual intervention doesn’t have to be as challenging as it sounds. When you reach out to Southworth Associates, we make the process as simple as possible. To learn more about our bilingual intervention services, reach out to our team today at (866) 460-9014