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strategic advice and support

business developmentCreating a business strategy is a vital part of your addiction treatment center’s long-term growth and can significantly impact its performance. With the help of a successful business development plan, you can attain significant savings, allowing you to reinvest in staff, facilities, and growth. Unfortunately, without a good plan, you may struggle to stay open due to financial difficulties. Therefore, many mental health and addiction treatment centers require assistance in their business development strategy. 

With so many challenges facing you today, it’s critical to find the right support for your treatment center. To learn about the benefits of our expert-level consulting services for business development, contact Southworth Associates today at (866) 460-9014

What is Business Development?

When you’re considering business development services, one thing you may wonder is what business development is. In short, this term refers to the activities, ideas, and initiatives that make your business better. These activities may include a range of actions, including:

  • Business expansion growth
  • Building partnerships
  • Making strategic business decisions
  • Increasing revenues and profitability

An addiction or mental health treatment center must be equally as good at its business development and business strategy as any other business. You may need to attract outside investors to your treatment center because insurance money and cash can be challenging to find. With the help of our business development services, however, you can rely on our time-tested methods to ensure that your treatment center is growing successfully. 

Methods of Business Strategy

Fortunately, today’s business strategy for addiction treatment centers tends to be a form of referral marketing from one of three options, including: 

  • Other business development marketers: This method includes employees at your treatment center or independent contractors to advertise your treatment center. 
  • Marketing from other treatment centers: The addiction treatment community is fairly small and tight-knit, and not every treatment center offers the same type of treatment. With this referral method, a treatment center that doesn’t provide one service can refer customers to your treatment center. 
  • Marketing from alumni: In many cases, alumni from your treatment center refer their friends who are also seeking addiction treatment

Each method of developing your business can be successful, particularly when you work with our business strategy services. We can help you create a system for each method and track their progress over time. At times, any one or more of these systems may produce increased revenue and admissions for your treatment center. 

When you’re working with our business development and business strategy, we’ll help you track the individual treatment referrals and rank them. If we determine that one or more of the referral methods are not working for you, we’ll help you evaluate why this referral method isn’t working and help you tweak the system to make it work better. In doing so, you’ll get insight into what methods do or do not work for your treatment center and the best way that you can utilize them. 

Contact Southworth Associates

When you’re trying to expand your business, one reliable method of expansion is to reach out to our business development sourcing and strategy services. With these services, you can rely on our time-tested experience, allowing you to grow and thrive. In addition to our business strategy and development services, you can also rely on our other consulting services, including:

Your business can grow and thrive with the help of our business development services. Reach out to Southworth Associates by calling (866) 460-9014 to learn more about how our consulting services can help you.