eating disorder resourcesWhen your loved one is battling an eating disorder, find treatment for them might be your highest priority for a good reason. They may not realize that there is a problem and helping them realize that they need to get treatment can be challenging. At Southworth Associates, we realize that this intervention can save or significantly improve your loved one’s life. When you reach out for our eating disorder resources, we can teach you how to support your loved one and encourage them to get treatment. To learn more about our eating disorder rehab services, reach out to Southworth Associates today at (866) 460-9014

What Are Eating Disorders?

The term “eating disorders” refers to a range of psychological conditions that lead to unhealthy eating practices. These conditions may begin with an obsession with their weight, body shape, or food. In some cases, an eating disorder can lead to severe health conditions and possible death if your loved one doesn’t get treatment. 

Depending on the type of eating disorder your loved one is battling, they may display a range of symptoms. For instance, they may begin showing symptoms such as:

  • Severe food restrictions
  • Food binging sessions
  • Self-induced vomiting
  • Over-exercising

Unfortunately, eating disorders can impact people, regardless of their age or gender. However, in most cases, they occur in young women and adolescents. Because this condition affects many teenage women, it can make finding the right eating disorder rehab services challenging. Fortunately, with the help of our intervention services, you can find intervention services for all ages. 

Types of Eating Disorders

One of the most common eating disorders is anorexia nervosa. In most cases, it develops when the individual is a teen or young adult, and it can affect more women. However, this number may not be accurate, as in many cases, men are less likely to report their mental health challenges. When a person is battling anorexia, they may view themselves as fat or overweight, even if they are dangerously underweight. As a result of this condition, they will continually monitor their weight and avoid specific types of foods. 

Bulimia nervosa is also a famous eating disorder. It can also develop during the teenage years and can be more common in women than men. Those with bulimia frequently eat abnormally substantial amounts of food in a short time period. They will continue to eat, even after they feel painfully full because they feel that they can’t control their behavior. However, to combat this feeling, they will engage in purging behaviors. Purging behaviors can include using practices such as:

  • Fasting
  • Induced vomiting
  • Using laxatives
  • Enemas
  • Excessive exercising
  • Diuretics

The final famous eating disorder is binge eating disorder. People with binge eating disorders may have symptoms that are similar to bulimia, in that they eat abnormally large amounts of food in a short period. They also feel out of control during their binge eating sessions. However, they don’t use purging behaviors or restrict their calorie intake. As such, they may gain an excessive amount of weight. 

Contact Southworth Associates

When someone you love is battling an eating disorder, you may feel lost and out of control. Fortunately, when you receive our eating disorder resources, you can get some level of control back. You can help your loved one seek treatment when you reach out to our team to get intervention services. Our intervention options include:

Don’t let your loved one’s eating disorder damage their health any longer. When you reach out to Southworth Associates, we can help your loved one seek eating disorder rehab services. Contact us today at (866) 460-9014 to learn more about our services.